Lusaka – ZAMBIA
+260 211 229725

CALL FOR PAPERS: Emerging Countries International Conference on Business, Finance and Economics
Posted  on February, 13, 2025

The Faculty of Law and Management at the University of Mauritius and the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, at Stellenbosch University are pleased to bring to academics, researchers, policy makers and students the first joint Emerging Countries international conference on Business, Finance and Economics to be held in Mauritius on 5-7 December 2023. This initiative aims at providing a platform for research dissemination and obtaining constructive feedback while at the same time creating opportunities for international collaboration and networking among peers in emerging countries and globally. Participants will also have an opportunity to experience the warm hospitality of the host island and engage in some social and cultural activities.

The conference organisers are calling for conceptual or empirically based research papers or country-specific case studies in the field of Business, Finance and Economics. Presenters can deliver either completed research papers or work in progress, and their paper submissions and presentations must address both the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.

Presentations will be conducted in parallel tracks and research papers/abstracts will be refereed to enable researchers to receive constructive feedback on their work. In addition, the organisers hope to hold a round table discussion that will bring academics and policymakers together to focus on a specific aspect related to the conference theme.

ACTESA is a key institution of COMESA which seeks to provide an answer to the region’s agricultural challenges, including market access-related constraints, low productivity, and technological and policy-related constraints.
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