Lusaka – ZAMBIA
+260 211 229725
Frequently Asked Questions
Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA)

1.  What is the overall goal of ACTESA?

ACTESA’s strategic goal is to ensure increased integration and improved regional competitiveness of staple foods markets across the Eastern and Southern Africa region leading to broad-based inclusive growth and increased food security.

  2.  When was ACTESA formed

Created in 2009, ACTESA aims to integrate smallholder farmers into domestic, regional and international markets through an improved policy environment, expanded market facilities, services and capacity building.

3.  What are the main programmes of ACTESA?

4.  What are the programme's target countries

Africa region

5. Who are the project target groups?

Smallholder farmers in COMESA region

  6.  Who are the project partners?

Some of the partners include: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), UK Aid Direct (UKAID), European Union (EU)

7.  Programme Vision

To realise a robust, modern and prosperous regional agricultural sector within which all stakeholders have a high standard of living.

8.  Mission

Integrate smallholder farmers into domestic, regional and international markets through an improved policy environment, expanded market facilities, services and capacity building.

9.  Goal

To ensure increased integration and improved regional competitiveness of staple foods markets across the Eastern and Southern Africa region leading to broad-based inclusive growth and increased food security.

10.  How can one get in touch with ACTESA?

ACTESA Secretariat
COMESA Building, Left Wing, 2nd Floor
Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 30051
Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: + +260 211 229725/32
Fax: +260 211 225107

1.  What is the overall goal of CEHA?

To promote improved income growth, inclusive job creation, and improved nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa through enhancing the horticulture sub-sector.

  2.  Project VISION:

By 2031, climate-smart horticulture value chains will be the largest contributor to rural income growth, inclusive job creation, and improved nutrition throughout Eastern Africa.

3. MISSION Statement:

CEHA will facilitate the modernization and growth of regional horticulture value chains across East Africa to leverage comparative advantage, infrastructure, and technology for maximum impact.

4. What are the project target countries?

Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

5. What are the priority value chains?

Avocado, Onion and Irish potatoes.

6. What was the basis of the three priority value chains?

  • Production capacity;
  • Impact potential;
  • Market growth and value chain competitiveness of the crops;
  • Alignment to government priorities and degree of development partner investment.

7. Who are the project target groups?

Smallholder farmers

8.  When was CEHA formed?

CEHA was established in 2022 through public and private sector partners.

9.  Who are the project partners?

Some of the alliance partners include;

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
  • Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
  • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
  • European Union (EU)

10.  Contact Information

ACTESA Secretariat
COMESA Building, Left Wing, 2nd Floor
Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 30051
Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: + +260 211 229725/32
Fax: +260 211 225107
ACTESA is a key institution of COMESA which seeks to provide an answer to the region’s agricultural challenges, including market access-related constraints, low productivity, and technological and policy-related constraints.
Contact Us
COMESA EAC Horticulture Accelerator (CEHA) COMESA Building, Left Wing, 2nd Floor, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 30051, Lusaka – ZAMBIA
[email protected]
+260 211 229725
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