COMESA Seed Harmonisation Implementation Plan (COMSHIP) is a framework that describes the implementation plans and modalities required to effectively implement, monitor and ensure compliance and execution within member-states of the COMESA Seed Trade Harmonisation Regulations. The implementation plans and actions are intended to bring about consistent in domestication, application, monitoring and improvement across 21 Member-States.
– prepare for and support phased domestication,
– awareness creation of the COMESA Seed Trade Harmonisation Regulations,
– monitoring and improvement in the implementation of the strategy and
– capacity building in the production of quality and support of small-holder farmers.
COMSHIP was launched in April 2014 and has been supported by FCDO, USAID, European Union (EU) Regional Enterprise Competitiveness and Access to Markets Programme (RECAMP) and African Agricultural Transformation Foundation (AATF)-African Development Bank. COMSHIP is focusing on increasing regional seed trade from the current 350,000MT to 1.2 million MT by 2031.